Tuesday 16 March 2010


25 words of time warners "mission statement"

Look at the digital aspect of it

What NME offers on the internet

Are the media global or national?

G322 Revision
4 things i got from the video:
1) Much of English cinema is now straight from hollywood; showing global media
2)Media from places such as America influence less dominate places and their norms become our norms, global media.
3)People don't always fit into one model for example you can love English music but also Bollywood films.
4)Cultural Imperialism(america become more economically dominant then become more media dominant.) For example Time Warner is a Global company but owns national companies such as IPC magazines.

Monday 15 March 2010

extras; mock, mock

Race isn't a very dominate theme in this extract; the dialogue between Ricky and the Asian man has nothing to do with race it is purely a "boasting" type of conversation therefore giving race little relevance in the clip.
Social class
Social class is very clearly shown by the dialogue and status levels of the "famous people" in the clip; the V.I.P area is a very big give away as to the hierarchy that they are all in. The significance of the v.i.p area is at first good as they are invited to sit in the area showing others to be lower class to them however the mood changes after someone more famous (david bowie) shows up. Social class is also represented with a "sign in book", the status of Ricky means he doesn't have to sign in which everyone else is doing, this shows immunity and higher social status above everyone else.
camera work
The camera work between Ricky Gervais and the Asian man is very clear; the camera on Ricky's side comes from underneath and for the asian man comes from slightly above showing the asian man to have the "upper hand" on ricky. The camera is very focused on the faces at the stage of dialogue between the Asian and ricky, this shows the in-depth conversation that they are partaking in, this also shows equality between them. When the two men are talking to the two women the camera is more zoomed out than in previous scenes this ensures you get a clear view of both "sides" of the conversation.
mise en scene
The general mise en scene of the scene is bustling, mood is created through the atmospheric lighting and natural camera work and editing. Social class is also shown between the two men and the two women; the women have made an effort with their appearance for example they are wearing dresses and looking quite fancy where as the two men(especially barry) are wearing very casual outfits, in this case a tracksuit and casual jacket, their lack of effort could represent social class.
Social class in terms of the Asian man and Ricky is very unclear just by looking at costumes; they're both dressed very smartly in suits which gives us an idea they are on the same level; the dialogue between them however is very competitive there is a lot of "showing off" and boasting, mainly on the part of the Asian man, this may show his struggle to gain "one over" on Ricky or to prove his perhaps already gained social status over him. Through-out his race appear to have no effect on the clip.
The atmosphere is created through diagetic background noise such as clinking of glass etc, it is quieter when the Asian man talks to Ricky this shows a slight power that the asian man holds over him.
The scenes are very natural and the transition is very subtle, this keeps it realistic.

Friday 29 January 2010


Please visit:


for my foundation portfolio.

Monday 18 January 2010

My Character- Ebony

My Character

She would sit inside her bedroom with her back against the door, pretending that she couldn't hear her name being called then maybe he would go away.
She was 7, she had never been to school, she couldn't read or write. She's never left her little village except when he moved her tiny body.
Her bedroom was empty apart from her small mattress, the tin bath in the corner and the small window on the top right of the slopping roof.
She had fair hair and radiant blue eyes; she was almost angelic.
Ever since she could remember she had hidden, she has been silent.
She only knew how to live in fear.
It was a tuesday afternoon the day she was murdered.
Her body was undernourished, she could barely walk from not only the lack of food but from the intense beatings she would often receive.
He had taken out to the forest where his father had taken him as a child. He knew these parts well. He placed a small bag over her head and proceeded to tie it tightly around her neck.
It was dark and she was now getting more and more scared, crying out for help was not an option, for one no-one would hear but it would also lead to more pain.
She felt him lift up her body and place something around her neck.
He left and she just hung there. It was only when some dog walkers found her body swinging from the trees that the story of what he did began to be revealed.

Ebony hadn't deserved any of it.

Jerry Maguire & American Beauty

The character of Jerry Maguire

His actions:
He "handles the lives and dreams of other people"; he is quite segregated, he's the one who buys and sells athletes etc, he doesn't have much to do with the actual playing of the sport but more of the sponsoring people etc.
What we think about him:
He seems like he's making from other peoples successes and not much to do with himself.
What will happen in the rest of the film:
I'm not quite sure, perhaps something goes wrong with one of his clients? The opening could be the start of any story line.
How is he portrayed?:
Self narration, he sets out the scene talking about america and everything about different sports. he's a sports agent and he says he's the "one behind the scenes that you don't see."
He knows a lot about up and coming talent and what they're thinking and what sport they participate; divers, basketballers, boxers, golfers and football players.

The character of Lester Burnham
His actions:
He pretty much just introduces himself and his family; it's evident he's not happy with his life from the comments he makes about his wife and him not being happy and his relationship with his daughter.
What we think about him:
He does seem like a bit of a loser; from what he says about himself he feels that too, he has a boring life and he's not happy at home.
What will happen in the rest of the film:
I think the rest of the film will be about his family and maybe he has a change of heart during his life? maybe he leaves his wife or something? We know that he will end up dead though as he tells us in the beginning.
How is he portrayed?:
He narrates about himself; his street and life. He is talking from the future "In less than a year i will be dead"

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Initial Brainstorming- Plots

We made up plots using a "consequences" style, this meant we firstly wrote the name of a man, the a woman, then where they met and what they were doing;
The one i got went something like this:

Adolf Hitler and the queen mother met in Germany and went bowling.

We then began writing the opening of a story:

Gary Baldi, Eyes opened as he looked around, all he could see was a guy being mounted by a donkey.
It was clear that Gary Baldi was in Jacks mum and dads bedroom.
Suddenly he heard something, it was a snorting, but where was it coming from? As he set of to explore the noise, they found children on a roller coaster.
It has been getting louder , and he was worried about catching something.
Just then John wayne rode through on a camel. Then he was knocked to the round where he lay unconscious.

This was just a fun exercise to get us thinking.

Tuesday 5 January 2010

Brainstorming for the practical work

What do you want to achieve from doing the practical production work?:
An insite into what it would be like in the real world to create a media piece including; the research, ideas, thought processes, mock ups, deadlines and evaluations.

Do you want to work alone or in a pair?:
I would prefer to work alone as i like to make decisions myself however i would like to get feedback and ideas of other people in order to help me. But if i were to be do a film or opening i would want to work in a pair as it's almost impossible to work alone on that.

In 12weeks what will a comment be by the teacher, about the opening of a film of magazine piece:
It's evident that the piece has been influenced using the research conducted and the final product is at a high standard.

Responses to the briefs:
I really like the look of the print work; having already looked slightly at media magazines i could use some of the research we have already done. The video task however looks a little harder as i found it tricky editing the videos in imovie.
I think i am most likely to do the print option as i am keen on the photography and photo manipulation side. I also feel pretty confident on programs such as photoshop and indesign which are the programs we would be using.

Response to Video Task-Group one:
I would give this a level 4 around 53/4 marks, there was good use of shots in terms of the steadiness and variety, there was also a high level of title use. The images and sund were suitable however the opening bit around the table had quite a "homemade" feel to it unlike the continuation such as in the basement. There was a good variety of transitions and use of lighting and colour.
I did think it was a little bit trailer like rather than the opening of the film, it has a bit too much information for the beginning.

Response to Video Task-Group two:
There is continuity issues where there is sky in a covered platform and the boy disappears after running after the train. However there is variety of shots and shot transitions. But the mise e scnee and titles aren't of a very good quality. I would give it a low level 3 around 37 marks

Monday 14 December 2009

Representations of Disability


Inside I'm Dancing
First impressions:
It's unusual for there to be a film purely about people with disabilities. From the beginning the home doesn't look like
a very nice place. They're all watching a children's program which says something about their health mentally. It's
clear that the carers cant understand the guy michael in particular. It seems to be a very calm setting; more like an
old peoples home than a home for the disabled. The entrance of Rory is very contrasting to the original setting. It's
very stereotypical towards disabled people; treating them like children, they don't look happy or engaged.

What i think is going to happen in the film following his arrival:
I think that the entrance of Rory into the environment is going to be quite rebellious; he might even bring some fun
to the home. It is clear that he is going to cause havoc and that he will attempt to get out of the home at every opportunity
that he gets.

Semiotic analysis:
Image one:
Michael is staring with a unhappy looking face; this will be an expression of his emotions, he looks sad and his staring is almost a longing to be free from his wheel chair. His positioning shows he might be an outcast already between him and the others. His whole de-mina is muted; he cant control anything, it's a very stereotypical view of a disabled person, loneliness and restriction.
The background is all the wheelchair users in a line like soldiers; this may be the order and respect in the care home but also the lack of control they have over their own lives and the regimented, unchangeable lives they are unable to change.
Image two:
The blank expression on Rory's face shows his inside anger and lack of control, it is evident he doesn't want to be there.
His dress and hair style is very contrasting with the previous image; this could indicate a rebellious streak to him however it could be that he has just been living on the outside world unlike the small enclosed world that every in the home lives.
The facial piercing is also a clue to his persona; a different less mainstream sort of person; very contrasting to your regular stereotype of a disabled person.
Image three:
The bright colours that Rory is wearing shows his segregation already from the rest of the members; this shows his mental separation as well, he is physically but not mentally disabled.
The light behind Rory continues to help separate him from the other two characters in the image; they're both sitting in a more gloomy area with dull clothes and surrounding; this will be the mental barrier between Rory and the other people in the home.
Rory is sitting with has chin up which is contrasting to the others who are all slumped in an awkward position; this could be because of his disability but it could also be pride that he possess unlike many of the other characters.

What Rorys playlist would be:
Mr Brightside- The Killers
Welcome to my life- Simple Plan
To Youth- Flogging Molly
Through Glass- Stone Sour

Discuss the ways in which disability is represented in the extract:
The semiotics of the scene show not only what is happening but also the feelings and emotions of the residents; the clothing and position of the regular residents is very contrasting to the entrance of Rory; this is showing a breakthrough from the general stereotype of a typical disabled person. All of the residents seem to be in their own dull worlds but the entrance of Rory has the potential to make them more "normal" in terms of fashion, fun and also life skills.
Continuation, Others work:
With his introduction to the setup the mood quickly changes. His bright coloured clothing, dyed hair and punk appearance with a lot of jewellery and things no where near visible upon any of the other characters show how different his character is to the rest of them, and the fact that he is going to most probably turn their world upside down. He contrasts greatly with his background.
Camera Work is another aspect used. We see a lot of close-up shots of the disabled characters, giving us a clue to how they are feeling through their facial expressions. Also, we can see that the characters that are in wheelchairs are stationary. This could be shown through the lack of tracking shots, the only time this is used is the van transporting Rory.
Sound is used sparingly in this clip. The non-diagetic sounds used in this clip is basically only the music in the background. This music is also very sad and sedate as the piano plays slowly. The diagetic sounds in this clip are used quite well. When we hear the man on Bagpuss say 'Bagpuss was now tired' it relates to the people in the home. Editing is also used to portray disability, the scenes are jerky like their movements.