Tuesday 5 January 2010

Brainstorming for the practical work

What do you want to achieve from doing the practical production work?:
An insite into what it would be like in the real world to create a media piece including; the research, ideas, thought processes, mock ups, deadlines and evaluations.

Do you want to work alone or in a pair?:
I would prefer to work alone as i like to make decisions myself however i would like to get feedback and ideas of other people in order to help me. But if i were to be do a film or opening i would want to work in a pair as it's almost impossible to work alone on that.

In 12weeks what will a comment be by the teacher, about the opening of a film of magazine piece:
It's evident that the piece has been influenced using the research conducted and the final product is at a high standard.

Responses to the briefs:
I really like the look of the print work; having already looked slightly at media magazines i could use some of the research we have already done. The video task however looks a little harder as i found it tricky editing the videos in imovie.
I think i am most likely to do the print option as i am keen on the photography and photo manipulation side. I also feel pretty confident on programs such as photoshop and indesign which are the programs we would be using.

Response to Video Task-Group one:
I would give this a level 4 around 53/4 marks, there was good use of shots in terms of the steadiness and variety, there was also a high level of title use. The images and sund were suitable however the opening bit around the table had quite a "homemade" feel to it unlike the continuation such as in the basement. There was a good variety of transitions and use of lighting and colour.
I did think it was a little bit trailer like rather than the opening of the film, it has a bit too much information for the beginning.

Response to Video Task-Group two:
There is continuity issues where there is sky in a covered platform and the boy disappears after running after the train. However there is variety of shots and shot transitions. But the mise e scnee and titles aren't of a very good quality. I would give it a low level 3 around 37 marks

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