Monday 15 March 2010

extras; mock, mock

Race isn't a very dominate theme in this extract; the dialogue between Ricky and the Asian man has nothing to do with race it is purely a "boasting" type of conversation therefore giving race little relevance in the clip.
Social class
Social class is very clearly shown by the dialogue and status levels of the "famous people" in the clip; the V.I.P area is a very big give away as to the hierarchy that they are all in. The significance of the v.i.p area is at first good as they are invited to sit in the area showing others to be lower class to them however the mood changes after someone more famous (david bowie) shows up. Social class is also represented with a "sign in book", the status of Ricky means he doesn't have to sign in which everyone else is doing, this shows immunity and higher social status above everyone else.
camera work
The camera work between Ricky Gervais and the Asian man is very clear; the camera on Ricky's side comes from underneath and for the asian man comes from slightly above showing the asian man to have the "upper hand" on ricky. The camera is very focused on the faces at the stage of dialogue between the Asian and ricky, this shows the in-depth conversation that they are partaking in, this also shows equality between them. When the two men are talking to the two women the camera is more zoomed out than in previous scenes this ensures you get a clear view of both "sides" of the conversation.
mise en scene
The general mise en scene of the scene is bustling, mood is created through the atmospheric lighting and natural camera work and editing. Social class is also shown between the two men and the two women; the women have made an effort with their appearance for example they are wearing dresses and looking quite fancy where as the two men(especially barry) are wearing very casual outfits, in this case a tracksuit and casual jacket, their lack of effort could represent social class.
Social class in terms of the Asian man and Ricky is very unclear just by looking at costumes; they're both dressed very smartly in suits which gives us an idea they are on the same level; the dialogue between them however is very competitive there is a lot of "showing off" and boasting, mainly on the part of the Asian man, this may show his struggle to gain "one over" on Ricky or to prove his perhaps already gained social status over him. Through-out his race appear to have no effect on the clip.
The atmosphere is created through diagetic background noise such as clinking of glass etc, it is quieter when the Asian man talks to Ricky this shows a slight power that the asian man holds over him.
The scenes are very natural and the transition is very subtle, this keeps it realistic.

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