Monday 18 January 2010

Jerry Maguire & American Beauty

The character of Jerry Maguire

His actions:
He "handles the lives and dreams of other people"; he is quite segregated, he's the one who buys and sells athletes etc, he doesn't have much to do with the actual playing of the sport but more of the sponsoring people etc.
What we think about him:
He seems like he's making from other peoples successes and not much to do with himself.
What will happen in the rest of the film:
I'm not quite sure, perhaps something goes wrong with one of his clients? The opening could be the start of any story line.
How is he portrayed?:
Self narration, he sets out the scene talking about america and everything about different sports. he's a sports agent and he says he's the "one behind the scenes that you don't see."
He knows a lot about up and coming talent and what they're thinking and what sport they participate; divers, basketballers, boxers, golfers and football players.

The character of Lester Burnham
His actions:
He pretty much just introduces himself and his family; it's evident he's not happy with his life from the comments he makes about his wife and him not being happy and his relationship with his daughter.
What we think about him:
He does seem like a bit of a loser; from what he says about himself he feels that too, he has a boring life and he's not happy at home.
What will happen in the rest of the film:
I think the rest of the film will be about his family and maybe he has a change of heart during his life? maybe he leaves his wife or something? We know that he will end up dead though as he tells us in the beginning.
How is he portrayed?:
He narrates about himself; his street and life. He is talking from the future "In less than a year i will be dead"

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