Monday 18 January 2010

My Character- Ebony

My Character

She would sit inside her bedroom with her back against the door, pretending that she couldn't hear her name being called then maybe he would go away.
She was 7, she had never been to school, she couldn't read or write. She's never left her little village except when he moved her tiny body.
Her bedroom was empty apart from her small mattress, the tin bath in the corner and the small window on the top right of the slopping roof.
She had fair hair and radiant blue eyes; she was almost angelic.
Ever since she could remember she had hidden, she has been silent.
She only knew how to live in fear.
It was a tuesday afternoon the day she was murdered.
Her body was undernourished, she could barely walk from not only the lack of food but from the intense beatings she would often receive.
He had taken out to the forest where his father had taken him as a child. He knew these parts well. He placed a small bag over her head and proceeded to tie it tightly around her neck.
It was dark and she was now getting more and more scared, crying out for help was not an option, for one no-one would hear but it would also lead to more pain.
She felt him lift up her body and place something around her neck.
He left and she just hung there. It was only when some dog walkers found her body swinging from the trees that the story of what he did began to be revealed.

Ebony hadn't deserved any of it.

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