Friday 20 November 2009

Media Convergence Questions


1.Media convergence is the evolving media world, the steps technologies have taken and how they have been improved and how they have interlinked, for example internet used to just be in offices and phones now we have a combination of internet and phones in our homes.

2.Consumers of media are now able to access all types of media through different technological ways, for example a magazine, you can by them in hard copy from a shop but you can now also look at them on the internet also “applications” on phones as well. This development is enabling consumers to save money and also access media devices in a more convenient way for them.

Producers are also benefiting, they are again saving money, also they are able to expand much more easily than in the past, they are able to expand there brands and in the end bring in more money, also they are able to change their brand to reach out to the consumers, for example launching a website, they can have audience input, also this makes market research a lot easier for them.

3.The magazine industry has clearly responded to technological advances in terms of the distributions, in the 1980s the “modern” form of magazine was to have teletext, this was very appropriate, however it was impossible to add pictures and “interesting” fonts and colours etc, times have definitely moved on since then. CD's, online version of magazines, websites, and brand extensions(such as TV channels) has since featured, bring a different take on the industry, all of these ways of reading a magazine has increased the reader numbers as people are more able to easily access the information in a way suited to them. Finally we have got to the stage where we have online only magazines such a monkey. This is a huge advance in technology however is much more “environment” friendly as there is not paper, and a generally “better” way to distribute for both the reader and the publishers, all parties saving money.

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