Friday 13 November 2009

Upload Magazine Cover


To begin with I wasn’t very happy with our masthead, it took us ages to find a font that we all agreed on, we all had individual opinions, however I feel the one we came up with was adequate and the fact the colour was picked out of the of the colour on the models face really gave it a “wholesome” look. I thought that the selling point was one of the best elements of our magazine; it was well placed and very catchy, however I didn’t like the colour we made it, the red seemed to class with the masthead.
I feel we successfully included all of the key elements we needed such as the price and the barcode. I felt our magazine was a little pricey but in the current economical climate we’re in then it doesn’t seem so unreasonable.
The model chosen for the front cover I feel really expressed the message we were trying to get over about our magazine; the fact it was for young women into technology. The black and pink effect I also thought was pretty eye-catching and different to the usual either completely black and white pictures, or the heavily coloured ones. The main cover line I thought stood out really well and I felt passionate about the topic we chose (I wish we had actually been able to write an interview with Lauren Luke!), I think if we had, has more time to work on the colours/layout/font/size of all the other cover lines then I felt it would look a little more professional. All in all I loved our cover!
I think if we had been given a lot longer we could have perfected our covers and photo shopped them to make them look a lot more “professional” then it possibly would stand a chance as a real media text, however I think we would definitely need to do some polishing on our presentations!

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