Monday 30 November 2009

Semiotics analysis; Sugar Rush

Sugar rush

The image displayed has a very girly feel to it; the pink background suggests the audience at which the program shall be targeted at. The image of the two girls on the front could just show a close friendship; the ginger girl is looking sideways at the girl with the dark, almost in admiration; this could suggest more than just a friendship. The age of the character and the font used suggest it has a teenage cast and therefore more likely to be aimed at "typical" teenagers; however the editing in the picture is unnatural as it'a pink. The stones they're lying suggest that they live somewhere near the beach; in fact it is set in Brighton, this is also implied by the ice-creams that they're holding. The elements on the cover suggest their location, sexuality and the realism that shall be contained in the program.
The image itself is light in colour and very bright; a reflection of personality and also content. There is little text and gives us little information as to what the program is about, perhaps to encourage you to watch it and find out.

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