Tuesday 24 November 2009

Royle Family Gender Analysis of Barbara

Analysis of barbara in terms of her gender:
She's very passive and doesn't have much input into the conversations, "i'd love a Dyson", very domesticated, "i'd love liposuction", as if she wanted to be a perfect looking woman. She works in a bakery which is a very typically a woman's job. She looks at the men in admiration and doesn't disagree with anything they say. She comes across as slightly dumb as she just agrees with everything the men and "upper class" woman are talking about and doesn't have an opinion.
From the clothes she's wearing you can tell she isn't the most glamorous woman; she's wearing a red jumper which is a typical woman colour, also from her wrinkled skin you can tell she hasn't had an "easy life", not like Valerie's skin, therefore has worked a lot harder, women often do the work, especially in the house. When Denise talks about wanting to have a boob job, instead of thinking about what Denise wanted she talked about how it wasn't fair on Denise's husband; clearly she think that the men are dominant and that women are just there to be looked at.
Barbara acts quite dippy and talks about quite inappropriate topics such a "slipping in more iced fingers", she obviously doesn't have anything more important to think about.
From her facial expressions that she shows when the rich man is talking about the state of the house you can tell she doesn't agree and yet she doesn't say anything.
From the positioning of the characters you can tell the males are more dominant, all of the women are sitting down where as the men are standing; a sign of authority.

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